One of the major things missing in the Downtown BGKY digital landscape, until we created this website, was an all-inclusive online event calendar showing what’s happening around here.

There are some amazing all-encompassing BGKY online event calendars out there, and we use them all the time. Some of our favorite BGKY event calendars worth bookmarking/subscribing to/following:
Downtown BGKY Lights Up Trolley Stop 2022
Visit BGKY’s online calendar and monthly e-news
WKU’s campus events and WKU Sports
SoKY Happenings
City of Bowling Green
BG Area Chamber of Commerce

But there isn’t one specially-designed for events impacting Downtown BGKY. That’s where we want to help! We want our calendar to be your one-stop shop for all things happening around here.

We know our Events section will be a labor of love and always needing updates. But, if there’s anything happening – free or ticketed – that impacts the Downtown BGKY experience, we want to share it.
Sky Science Fest Booth 2022
To all event venues and businesses hosting events in Downtown BGKY – and to anyone outside the immediate downtown area that’s still hosting a major event that’ll impact the downtown community: please use that Event Submission form to send us the news. We want the details and a graphic!

We’re ramping up marketing efforts to send traffic to this website. We want your event to be shared and viewed. We value your event and are grateful you’re offering a Downtown BGKY experience. Let us help be part of your promotions.

Sincerely y’all’s,
Telia Butler
Downtown Development Coordinator, City of Bowling Green